2011年3月19日 星期六

Higher Education / University / Third Level Education– Should it be free?

A basic education is provided free of charge for young people in nearly all developed and democratic countries. However, when it comes to university, or higher education, there are many different approaches taken. In some countries (such as Finland and Sweden) higher education is still free. In other countries, higher education is purchased like any other service. In many countries (such as the UK and the USA), fees are charged to students but how much of the cost of education these cover varies greatly. Often governments offer loans and financial support to help students pay these fees. However, more and more people want to go to university, putting student funding systems under pressure. The economic downturn has hit also government budgets very hard, raising tough questions about spending priorities. As educational and economic changes occur, should Governments charge fees for higher education, or provide it for free?

Should we charge students for third level / higher education? Or is it a right which should be provided in the same way as other more basic forms of education?

